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Application Requirements OIPS

International Admissions Requirements

全球十大外围足球平台欢迎国际本科生申请, transfer or graduate students. 建议国际学生至少在他们希望进入大学的一年前开始招生过程,因为提交所需的测试通常需要额外的时间, academic documents, evaluations and immigration-related matters. 我们建议国际学生遵循下面列出的时间表. 在收到以下列出的所有文件之前,不会做出有关录取的决定.

  • May 1 for the fall semester (classes begin in August).
  • 春季学期11月1日开学(1月开课).


  • Undergraduate admissions application. Graduate students will need to complete the graduate application provided on our graduate admissions page.
  • 报名费$20不可退还(不接受个人支票).
  • One letter of recommendation from a guidance counselor, principal, head of school, or school official.
  • One letter of recommendation from a teacher or professor.
  • Official test scores:
    • Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) - school code 2367
    • or American College Test (ACT) - school code 3614
    • 只有通过考试机构提交的正式成绩才会被考虑. Scores from school counselors, scores on transcripts, and printed scores mailed in will not be considered. 
  • Official high school transcript, official certified final secondary school records, or mark sheets including grades 9-12.
  • 毕业考试成绩证明文件-例如CXC, GCE, WAEC, BGCSE, 或您所在地区或国家的毕业考试成绩-所有课程名称, and the marks earned in those courses, should be reflected. 
    • 学历评估,包括成绩单和毕业考试,通过 World Education Services, Inc. (WES) is required. 只要求国际证书优势包(ICAP)(成绩单+评估)逐文件报告. Statement of results, provisional notifications of results, and website print out of results will not be accepted.

      注意:全球十大外围足球平台不能对美国以外的学生进行资格评估. Therefore, 请安排世界教育服务机构对您以前的学习进行逐门课程的证书评估. 你需要按照他们网站上提供的说明去做. 请注意:学生有责任联系经批准的证书评估服务机构, as well as to pay for the translation services. 没有这些全球十大外围足球平台的申请将不被考虑.

  • Admissions essay. 请提交一篇250字的文章,选题或“你想在全球十大外围足球平台完成什么”?”
  • 对于母语不是英语的申请人,要求笔试成绩(PBT)达到500分或托福成绩(IBT)达到71分. Lincoln’s school code is 2367. Only official reports from ETS will be accepted. 注:代替托福(如果你的国家没有提供), 申请人可以提交雅思(国际英语语言测试系统)成绩,总分为6分.5.
  • 经济担保书和经济/收入证明文件,证明你有足够的资金支付你在全球十大外围足球平台期间的学术费用. 允许多人赞助,但必须注明赞助金额.
  • Sponsor’s letter stating the sponsor’s name, your name, relationship to the sponsor and the sponsor’s intent to be responsible for your expenses; if you are self-sponsored, 你应该提交一封信,说明你正在资助自己.
  • Recent monthly bank statement; if the statement is in a foreign currency, the U.S dollar equivalent and conversion rate must be stated. The balance must match or exceed the total completed in the “1st Year” column on the Financial Resources Form; a letter written by a bank is not acceptable.
  • Residential address in your country of origin; P.O. Box or commercial addresses are not acceptable.

International Transfer Applicant

在美国或国外的其他学院或大学完成学术学习的学生可能会被考虑转学入学. 转学生入学考虑的最低标准是:

  • 只有成绩达到“C”或以上才有资格转学. 可转换学分也由全球十大外围足球平台注册办公室确定.
  • 在当前学校至少获得15个学分.
  • Earned a 2.7 cumulative grade point average (GPA)
  • 以下文件是入学考虑的必要条件:
  • Application for Admission (Undergraduate admissions application or Lincoln University International Application (part 1) and (part  2))
    • 报名费$20不可退还(不接受个人支票)
    • One letter of recommendation from a teacher or professor.
    • Official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions. 如果你的成绩单是外语或成绩等级系统, 世界教育服务要求提供国际证书优势包(ICAP)(成绩单+评估)每门课程(GPA)的官方英语翻译 & course levels). Report only.
    • 对于母语不是英语的申请人,要求笔试成绩(PBT)达到500分或托福成绩(IBT)达到71分. Lincoln’s school code is 2367. Only official reports from ETS will be accepted. 注:代替托福(如果你的国家没有提供), 申请人可以提交雅思(国际英语语言测试系统)成绩,总分为6分.5.
    •  经济担保书表格:必须由你和你的担保人签署. If you are self-sponsored, you should sign on both lines. 该表格不需要银行官员的签名或盖章. Sponsor’s letter stating the sponsor’s name, your name, relationship to the sponsor and the sponsor’s intent to be responsible for your expenses; if you are self-sponsored, 你应该提交一封信,说明你正在资助自己.
    • 最近每月的银行对账单:如果对账单是外币的, 必须说明美元等值和兑换率. The balance must match or exceed the total completed in the right column on the Financial Resources Form; a letter written by a bank is not acceptable.
    • Residential address in your country of origin: P.O. Box only or commercial addresses are not acceptable.
  • 就读于美国境内学校的国际转学生.S. must also send:
    • Copy of your I-94 and current I-20.
    • Color copy of your passport photo page and visa page.
    • 由你现在学校的外国学生顾问填写的转学表.

Please Be Aware

Immigration form I-20 (Certificate of Eligibility), needed to obtain a student visa, is not issued until the applicant has:

  1. been officially accepted by the the University
  2. paid the enrollment fee, and
  3. 提交一份财务报表,说明在大学期间如何支付费用

View International Admissions requirements as .pdf

Download Undergraduate/Transfer application (part 1 and part 2)

Find information for Graduate Admission